Recent Ph.D. Dissertations
& Keynote
Regular Papers
2014 2013
2012 2011
2010 2009
2008 2007
2006 2005
2004 2003
2002 2001
2000 1999
1998 1997
1996 1995
1994 1993
1992 1991
1990 1989
1988 1987
1986 1985
1984 1983
1982 1981
1980 1979
1978 1977
1976 1975
Last updated on December 19, 2020.
Recent Ph.D.
- Jung-Soo Ko, "Top Gate Dielectric Engineering for Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides" 2024
- Marc Jaikissoon, "CMOS-Compatible Strain Engineering and Device Scaling of Monolayer Molybdenum Disulfide Transistors" 2023
- Aravindh Kumar,"Improving Contacts and Doping to Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides". 2022
- Stephanie Tietz, "TAdvancing Photonic Communication and Sensing Through Novel 3D Silicon Photonic Devices". 2021
- Koosha Nassiri Nazif, "Transition Metal Dichalcogenides for Next-Generation Photovoltaics." 2021
- Pranav Ramesh, "Approaching the Limits of Low Resistance Contacts to N-Type Germanium." 2021
- Junkyo Suh, "Silicon-Germanium/Germanium Nanowire Platform for Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics." 2020
- Shashank Gupta, "Advancing Silicon Photonics Through Germanium Based Devices and 3D Integration". 2018
- Raisul Islam, "Metal-Oxide Carrier-Selective Contacts for On-Chip
Embedded Photovoltaics". 2018
- Archana Kumar, "High-Performance Antimonide P-MOSFETs and Their Hetero-Integration on Silicon ." 2018
- Gautam Shine, "Electron and Spin Tranport in Disordered Nanoscale Contacts". 2017
- Ju Hyung Nam, "Monolithic Integration of Germanium-on-Insulator Platform on Silicon Substrate And Its Applications to Devices". 2016
- Dave Sukhdeo, "Band-Engineered Germanium for CMOS-Compatible Light Emission,"
- Ashish Pal, III-V
Material Integration in 1-Transistor Capacitor-Less DRAMâ
- Wooshik Jung, "Fluorine
Passivation of Defects in Germanium Devicesâ 2014
- Donguk Nam, "Strained
Germanium Technology for On-chip Optical Interconnects,"
- Ze Yuan, "Antimonide-Based
III-V CMOS Technology," 2013
- Suyog Gupta, "Germanium-Tin
(GeSn) Technology," 2013
- J. Jason Lin, "Low
Resistance Contacts to N-type Germanium," 2013
- Crystal Kenney, "Exploiting
non-linear arrhenius dependence of diode IV curves to
determine Schottky barrier band diagrams," 2012
- Yeul Na, "Novel
Phototransistors For Optical Interconnect," 2012
- Arunanshu Roy, "Tunneling
Contacts for Novel Semiconductor Devices," 2012
- Aneesh Nainani, "High
Performance III-V PMOSFET," 2011
- Kyung-Hoae Koo, "Comparison
Study of Future On-Chip Interconnects for High Performance
VLSI Applications," 2011
- M. Gunhan Ertosun, "Novel
Single Transistor DRAM Technologies," 2010
- Sarves Verma, "Tunnel
Barrier Engineering for Flash Memory Technology," 2010
- Duygu Kuzum, "Interface-Engineered
Ge MOSFETs for Future High Performance CMOS Applications,"
- Donghyun Kim, "Theoretical
Performance Evaluations of NMOS Double Gate FETs with High
Mobility Materials: Strained III-V, Ge and Si," 2009
- Hyun-Yong Yu, "Selective
Heteroepitaxial Growth of Ge for Monolithic Integration 0f
MOSFETs and Optical Devices," 2009
- Jin-Hong Park, "Physics
And Technology Of Low Temperature Germanium Mosfets For
Monolithic Three Dimentional Integrated Circuits,"
- Ali Kemal Okyay, Si-Ge
Photodetection Technologies for Integrated Optoelectronics
, 2007
- Hoon Cho, Low
Power, Highly Scalable, Vertical Flash Memory Cell and
MOSFET , 2007
- Abhijit Pethe, Ge-Based
Transistors for High-Performance Logic Applications
, 2007
- Hoyeol Cho, Performance
Comparison Between Copper, Carbon Nanotube, and Optics for
Off-Chip and On-Chip Interconnects , 2007
- Tejas Krishnamohan, Physics
and Technology of High Mobility, Strained Germanium
Channel, Heterostructure MOSFETs , 2006
- Ammar Nayfeh, Heteroepitaxial
Growth of Relaxed Germanium on Silicon , 2006
- Hyoungsub Kim, "Nano-scale
zirconia and hafnia dielectrics grown by atomic layer
deposition: crystallinity, interface structures and
electrical properties," 2004
- Chi On Chui, Advanced
Germanium Complementary-Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor
Technologies , 2004
- Ting-Yen Chiang, Electrothermal
Analysis of VLSI Interconnects , 2004
- Nabeel Ibrahim,
Dopant Diffusion and Deactivation in Silicon in the
Presence of Metal Silicides , 2004
- Rohit Shenoy, Technology
and Scaling of Ultrathin Body Double-Gate FETs ,
- Shukri Souri 3D
ICs Interconnect Performance Modeling and Analysis ,
- Marci Liao, Environmentally
Benign Semiconductor Processing for Dielectric Etch
, 2003
- Amol Joshi,
High Performance CMOS With Metal Induced Lateral
Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon , 2002
- Pawan Kapur,
Scaling Induced Performance Challenges/Limitations of
On-Chip Metal Interconnects and Comparisons with Optical
Interconnects, 2002
Invited& Keynote
- Krishna Saraswat, "Interconnect Past, Present and Future," IEEE EDS workshop on Evolution of Transistor and Emerging Research Devices, August 21, 2023, (Invited).
- Krishna Saraswat, "Real Limits to Nanoelectronics: Contacts and Interconnects," XXI Int. Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD 2021), 14-17 Dec. 2021, (plenary).
- Krishna Saraswat, "Emerging Interconnect Technologies for Nanoelectronics," IEEE UEMCON 2021, New York, 1-4 Dec. 2021, (keynote).
- Krishna Saraswat, "Real Limits to Nanoelectronics: Contacts and Interconnects" XXI Int. Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD 2021), 14-17 Dec. 2021, (plenary).
- Krishna Saraswat, "Emerging Interconnect Technologies for Nanoelectronics," IEEE Int. IOT Electronics and Mechatronics Conf., April, 2021, Toronto, Canada. (Keynote).
- K r i s h n a S a r a s w a t , ` ` S i l i c o n c o m p a t i b l e o p t i c a l i n t e r c o n n e c t a n d m o n o l i t h i c 3 - D i n t e g r a t i o n , ` ` I E E E I n t e r n a t i o n a l E l e c t r o n D e v i c e s M e e t i n g , D e c e m b e r 2 0 2 0 . ( I n v i t e d ) .
- Koosha Nassiri Nazif, Aravindh Kumar, Krishna Saraswat, ``High Voc, thin film WS2 solar cells for energy harvesting applications,`` SPIE Conf. Optics+ Photonics, San Diego, Aug. 11-15, 2019 (Invited).
- Krishna Saraswat, ``Emerging Interconnect Technologies for Nanoelectronics,`` 2nd Euroscicon Conf. on Nanobiotechnology and Material Science, August 2019, Melbourne, Australia. (keynote).
- Krishna Saraswat, ``Emerging Interconnect Technologies for Nanoelectronics," IEEE VLSI Symp., June 2019, Kyoto. (invited)
- R. Islam, H. Li, P.-Y. Chen, W. Wan, H.-Y. Chen, B. Gao, H. Wu, S. Yu, K. C. Saraswat, and H.-S. P. Wong, "Device and materials requirements for neuromorphic computing," Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, vol. 52, no. 11, (2019) p. 113001. doi: 10.1088/1361-6463/aaf784. (Invited)
- Krishna Saraswat, ``Emerging Interconnect Technologies for Nanoelectronics,`` NanoWorld Conf. San Francisco, April 2018. (Keynote)
- Krishna Saraswat, `` Real Limits to Nanoelectronics: Interconnects and Contacts,``International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), San Francisco, March 14, 2018. (Invited)
- Krishna Saraswat, `` Real Limits to Nanoelectronics: Interconnects and Contacts,`` International Workshop on the Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD), Delhi, India. Dec. 2017, (Keynote).
- Krishna Saraswat, ``Emerging Interconnect Technologies for Ex-scale Computing,`` National Supercomputing Mission Conclave, Bangluru, India, Dec. 2017, (Keynote).
- Krishna Saraswat, ``Real Limits to Nanoelectronics: Interconnects and Contacts,`` International Electron Devices & Materials Symposium (IEDMS 2017), Hsinchu, Taiwan, Sept. 2017. (Keynote)
- Krishna Saraswat, ``Low Resistance Contacts to Nanoscale FET," 2017 Advanced Metallization Conference, Austin, Texas, Sept. 2017. (invited)
- Krishna Saraswat, ``Emerging Interconnect Technologies for Nanoelectronics,`` 11th International ESD Workshop, May 7-11, 2017, Tahoe City, California, (Keynote)
- D. Kim, S. Bao, C. S. Tan, J. H. Nam, K. C. Saraswat, and D. Nam, "The Effect of Germanium/Silicon Interface on Germanium Photonics," ECS Trans. SiGe, Ge, and Related Materials: Materials, Processing, and Devices 7, Vol. 75, No. 8, pp. 683-688, October 2016. Also 230th ECS Meeting, Abstract #2037, Honolulu, October 2-7, 2016. (invited)
- Krishna C. Saraswat and G. Shine, ``Low Resistance Contacts to Nanoscale Semiconductor Devices,'' ECS Trans. SiGe, Ge, and Related Materials: Materials, Processing, and Devices 7, Vol. 75, No. 8, pp. 513-524, October 2016. Also presented at the 230th ECS Meeting, Abstract #1984, Honolulu, October 2-7, 2016. (Invited).
- D. Kim, S. Bao, C. S. Tan, J. H. Nam, K. C. Saraswat, and D. Nam, "The Effect of Germanium/Silicon Interface on Germanium Photonics," ECS Trans. SiGe, Ge, and Related Materials: Materials, Processing, and Devices 7, Vol. 75, No. 8, pp. 683-688, October 2016. Also 230th ECS Meeting, Abstract #2037, Honolulu, October 2-7, 2016. (invited)
- Krishna C. Saraswat, ``Emerging Interconnect Technologies," IEEE Int. Electron Dev. Meet. (IEDM), Dec. 6, 2015, Invited Short Course..
- Krishna C. Saraswat, ``What Makes Silicon Valley and Stanford University Tick?," 19th International Conference on Engineering Education, International Network for Engineering Education and Research, Zagreb, Croatia, July 21, 2015.
Plenary Talk .
- Krishna C. Saraswat, ``How far can we push Si CMOS and
what are the future alternatives," 7th Bangalore INDIA
NANO Conf., Bangalore, India, December 6, 2014.
Plenary Talk .
- Krishna C. Saraswat, ``Quantum Well Heterostructures
for Electronics and Photonics,"2nd IEEE International
Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE), Bangalore,
India, December 4, 2014. Plenary Talk .
- D. Nam, D. S. Sukhdeo, B. R. Dutt, and K. C.
Saraswat, ``Light emission from highly-strained germanium for on-chip optical interconnects," ECS Transactions, Vol. 64, No. 6, pp. 371-381, 2014. Also presented at 226th Meeting of The
Electrochem. Soc., Abs. No. P7-1796, Cancun, October
2014. (Invited).
- Krishna C.
Saraswat, ``How far can we push Si CMOS and what are
the alternatives for future ULSI," IEEE Device
Research Conf., Santa Barbara, June 2014.
Plenary Talk .
- Suyog Gupta, X. Gong, R. Zhang, Y.-C. Yeo, S. Takagi
and K. C. Saraswat, "New Materials for Post-Si
Computing: Ge and GeSn Devices, " MRS Bulletin, Vol. 39,
August 2014, pp. 678 "ì 686. (Invited).
- D. S. Sukhdeo, D. Nam, J.-H. Kang, M. L. Brongersma
and K. C. Saraswat, "√∫Direct Bandgap
Germanium-on-Silicon Inferred from 5.7% <100>
Uniaxial Tensile Strain,"√π Photonics Research, Vol. 2,
No. 3, June 2014 pp. A8-A13, (Invited).
- Krishna Saraswat, "Schottky Barrier Height
Engineering for Low Resistance Contacts to Semiconductor
Devices"√π, 42nd Annual Northern California Electronic
Material Symposium, Santa Clara, May 9, 2014.
Invited .
- Krishna Saraswat, "Schottky Barrier Height
Engineering for Low Resistance Contacts to Semiconductor
Devices"√π, IEEE Mumbai Chapter, IIT Bombay, India, Dec.
30, 2013. Invited .
- Krishna Saraswat, J.-Y. Jason Lin, Aneesh Nainani,
Arunanshu Roy, Gautam Shine and Ze Yuan, ``Schottky
Barrier Height Engineering for Low Resistance Contacts
to Ge and III-V Devices," 44th IEEE Semiconductor
Interface Specialists Conference (SISC), Arlington, VA,
Dec. 2013. Invited .
- Krishna C. Saraswat, ``Performance Limitation of CMOS
with Cu/low-k Interconnects and Possible Future
Alternatives,"√π International Symposium for Testing and
Failure Analysis (ISTFA) 2013, San Jose, CA, Nov. 2013.
- Krishna C. Saraswat, S. Gupta, A. Nainani, B. Yang,
Z. Yuan ``Surface Passivation of III-V Antimonides and
Ge Based MOSFET," 60th AVS International Symposium,
Paper No. EM-MoA6, Long Beach, CA, 2013. Invited.
- Krishna C. Saraswat, ``Stanford Engineering &
Research on Materials and Device,'' International
Workshop on Nanodevice Technologies 2013, Hiroshima
University, Japan, March 5, 2013. Plenary.
- Krishna C. Saraswat, ``Performance Limitation of
Cu/low-k Interconnects and Possible Future
Alternatives,"√π First IEEE International High Speed
Interconnects Symposium, Dallas, TX, April 30, 2013. Plenary.
- Krishna C. Saraswat, ``Si Compatible Ge Based Devices
for Optical Interconnects,'' 2013 Tsukuba Nanotechnology
Symposium, Tsukuba, Japan, July 2013. (Invited)
- Krishna C. Saraswat, J.-Y. Jason Lin, A. Nainani, A.
Roy, B. Yang and Ze Yuan, ``Schottky Barrier Height
Engineering for Low Resistance Contacts to Ge and III-V
Devices,'' Presented at 222th Meeting of The
Electrochem. Soc., Abs. No. 2630, Honolulu, October
2012. Invited.
- S. Gupta, R. Chen, B. Vincent, D. Lin, B.
Magyari-Kope,M. Caymax, J. Dekoster, J. S. Harris, Y.
Nishi, and K. Saraswat, `` GeSn Channel n and p
MOSFETs,'' Presented at 222th Meeting of The
Electrochem. Soc., Abs. No. 3222, Honolulu, October
2012. Invited.
- Aneesh Nainani, Z. Yuan, A. Kumar, B. R. Bennett, B.
J. Boos and K. C. Saraswat. "III-Sb MOSFETS :
Opportunities and Challenges" ECS Transactions, Volume
45, Number 4, p.91-96, (2012). Invited.
- Krishna C. Saraswat, ``Ge Based MOSFETs and Optical
devices for Interconnects Integrated on Si,'' Int. Symp.
on Adv. Sci. and Tech. of Silicon Materials, Kona, Japan
Soc. of Appl. Phys., Nov. 2012. Invited.
- Krishna C. Saraswat, ``Germanium/Silicon based Novel
Electronic and Optoelectronic Devices for
Nanoelectronics," Communications, Microsystems,
Optoelectronics, Sensors Emerging Technologies Conf.,
Whistler, BC, Canada, June 15-17, 2011. Plenary.
- Krishna C. Saraswat, ``Performance Limitation of
Cu/low-k Interconnects and Possible Future Alternatives:
CNT, 3-D and Optics," Advanced Metallization Conference,
San Diego, October 2011, Invited.
- Krishna C. Saraswat, " Germanium Integration on
Silicon for High Performance MOSFETs and Optical
Interconnects," MRS spring meeting, April 2010, San
Francisco. Invited.
- Krishna C. Saraswat, "Performance Limitations of
Cu/low-K Interconnects and Possible Future
Alternatives," IEEE IITC short course, June 2010,
Burlingame. Invited.
- Krishna C. Saraswat, "3-D ICs: Motivation, Performance
Analysis, Technology and Applications,"17th
International Symposium on the Physical & Failure
Analysis of Integrated Circuits, Singapore, July 2010.
- K. C. Saraswat, ``Novel Electronic and Optoelectronic
Devices in Germanium Integrated on Silicon,'' 218th
Electrochem. Soc. Meet., Las Vegas, October 10 - 15,
2010. Invited.
- Szu-Lin Cheng, G. Shambat, J. Lu, H.-Yu, K. C.
Saraswat, J. Vuckovic and Y. Nishi, ``Characterizations
of direct band gap PL and EL from epi-Ge on Si,'' ECS
Transactions, Vol. 33, No. 6, pp. 545-554, 2010. Also
presented at 218th Electrochem. Soc. Meet., Abs. No.
1862, Las Vegas, October 10 - 15, 2010. Invited.
- K. C. Saraswat, "3-D ICs: Motivation, Performance
Analysis and Technology,"19th Lithography Workshop,
Coeur d`Alene, Idaho, June 2009. Invited .
- Krishna C. Saraswat, et al., "Ge MOSFET and Single T
DRAM," 6th International Symposium on Advanced Gate
Stack Technology, San Francisco, August 23-26, 2009. Keynote
address .
- Paul C. McIntyre, E. Kim, E. Chagarov, J. Cagnon, K.
C.Saraswat, S. Stemmer, A. Kummel and P. Asbeck,
"Interface StudiesofMetalOxideInsulatorsonGeand III-V
Semiconductors, " 6th International Symposium on
Advanced Gate Stack Technology, San Francisco, August
23-26, 2009. Invited.
- Paul C. McIntyre, Y. Oshima, E. Kim and K. C.
Saraswat, " Interface studies of ALD-grown metal oxide
insulators on Ge and III-V semiconductors, "
Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 86, No. 9, pp.
1536-1539, Sept. 2009. Invited .
- Kyung-Hoae Koo, P. Kapur, and K. C. Saraswat,
"Compact Performance Models and Comparisons for
Gigascale On-Chip Global Interconnect Technologies,"
IEEE Trans. Elec. Dev., Vol. 56, No. 9, pp. 1787- 1798,
Sept. 2009, Invited .
- Krishna C. Saraswat, "High Performance Nanoscale FETs
and Optoelectronic Devices for Interconnects in
Germanium Integrated on Silicon," 1st Int. Workshop on
Si based nanoelectronics and photonics (SiNEP-09), Vigo,
Spain, Sept. 21-23, 2009. Keynote address.
- K. C. Saraswat, Hoyeol Cho, Pawan Kapur, and
Kyung-Hoae Koo, "Performance Comparison between Copper,
Carbon Nanotube, and Optical Interconnects," IEEE Int.
Symp. on Circuits & Systems, pp. 2781 "ì 2784,
Seattle, May 21, 2008. Invited
- T. Krishnamohan and K. C. Saraswat, `` High Mobility
Ge and III-V Materials and Novel Device Structures for
High Performance Nanoscale MOSFETS," ESSDERC, Edinburgh
September 2008, Plenary talk
- K. C. Saraswat, D. Kim, T. Krishnamohan, D. Kuzum, A.
K. Okyay, A. Pethe and H.-Y. Yu ``Germanium for High
Performance MOSFETs and Optical Interconnects," The
Electrochemical Society Transactions, vol. 16 # (10) pp.
3-12, 2008, also presented at the 214th ECS Meeting,
Honolulu, October 2008, Plenary talk
- K. C. Saraswat, "Research Through Collaboration
between Academia and Industry," 2nd Int. Symp. on
Solutions Research, Tokyo, Japan, March 2007. Invited
- K. C. Saraswat, "High Mobility Materials and Novel
Device Structures for High Performance Nanoscale
MOSFETs," 3rd International Nanotechnology Conference
(INC3), Brussels, April 17, 2007. Invited
- K. C. Saraswat, "High Mobility Channel Materials for
Future CMOS," 2007 VLSI-TSA Symposium, April 2007,
Hsinchu, Taiwan. Invited
- K. C. Saraswat,"Performance Limitations of Cu/low-k
Interconnects and Possible Alternatives," IEEE Int.
Interconnect Tech. Conf., June 2007, San Francisco,
Invited Short Course
- T. Krishnamohan, D. Kim, C. Nguyen, C. Jungemann, Y.
Nish and K. C. Saraswat, "High Mobility, Low Band To
Band Tunneling (BTBT), Strained Germanium, Double Gate
(DG), Heterostructure FETs : Simulations", IEEE Trans.
Electron Dev., Vol. 53, No. 5, May 2006, pp. 1000-1009.
- T. Krishnamohan, Z. Krivokapic, K. Uchida, Y. Nish
and K. C. Saraswat, "High Mobility, Ultra Thin (UT),
Strained Ge MOSFETs On Bulk and SOI With Low Band To
Band Tunneling (BTBT) Leakage : Experiments", IEEE
Trans. Electron Dev. Vol. 53, No. 5, May 2006, pp.
990-999. Invited
- K. C. Saraswat, C. O. Chui, T. Krishnamohan, D. Kim,
A. Nayfeh and A. Pethe, "High Performance Germanium
MOSFETs", Symp. B, E-MRS IUMRS ICEM Spring Meet., Nice
(France), May 29 - June 2, 2006. Published in Materials
Science and Engineering: B, Vol. 135, No. 3 , 15 Dec.
2006, pp.242-249. Invited
- K. C. Saraswat and T. Krishnamohan, "Physics and
Technology of High Performance, Strained Germanium
Channel, Heterostructure MOSFETs", IEEE Int. Workshop on
Nano CMOS, Mishima, Japan. 2006. Invited
- P. McIntyre, D. Chi, C. Chui, H. Kim, K. Seo and K.
Saraswat, "Interface Layers for High-k/Ge Gate Stacks:
Are They Necessary?," Proc. Symp. SiGe and Ge Materials,
Processing, and Devices, 210th Electrochem. Soc. Meet.,
Cancun, Mexico, Nov. 2006, Invited .
- K. Saraswat, "Germanium MOSFETs for Nanoelectronics,"
Proc. Symp. SiGe and Ge Materials, Processing, and
Devices, 210th Electrochem. Soc. Meet., Cancun, Mexico,
Nov. 2006, Invited .
- Ali K. Okyay, A. M. Nayfeh, K. C. Saraswat, A.
Marshall, P. C. McIntyre and T. Yonehara, " Strain
Enhanced High Efficiency Germanium Photodetectors in the
Near Infrared for Integration with Si", Optics Letters,
- K. C. Saraswat, C. O. Chui, T. Krishnamohan and A
Pethe, "High Mobility Materials and Novel Device
Structures for High Performance Nanoscale MOSFETs," IEEE
Int. Electron Dev. Meet. San Francisco, Dec. 2006.
Invited .
- K. C. Saraswat, "An Overview of Advanced Interconnect
Solutions," 1st Int. Workshop on Interconnect Design and
Variability, 2006, Bangalore, India, Dec. 28-29,
Invited .
- K. C. Saraswat, "Collaborative Research Centers in
USA in Electronics," Birla Institut of Technology &
Science, Bangalore Campus, 27 Dec. 2006 Inaugural
- K. C. Saraswat, C. O. Chui, A. Nayfeh, H. Kim, A. K.
Okyay and P. C. McIntyre, "Ge Based High Performance
Nanoscale MOSFETs and Integrated Optical Interconnects",
SEMI Technology Symposium (STS) 2005, Seoul, Korea,
February 2005. Invited
- K. C. Saraswat, C. O. Chui, T. Krishnamohan, A.
Nayfeh and R. S. Shenoy, "Performance Limitations of Si
CMOS and Alternatives for Nanoelectronics", The 2005
SEMI-ECS International Semiconductor Technology
Conference (ISTC) March 15-17, 2005, Shanghai.
- K. C. Saraswat, C. O. Chui, T. Krishnamohan, A.
Nayfeh and P. C. McIntyre, "Ge Based High Performance
Nanoscale MOSFETs", MRS 2005 Spring Meeting, Symposium
on Advanced Gate Dielectric Stacks on High-Mobility
Semiconductors, Paper G14.1, San Francisco, CA, March
28-April1, 2005. Invited
- K. C. Saraswat, C. O. Chui, T. Krishnamohan, A.
Nayfeh, H. Kim and P. McIntyre, "Ge Based High
Performance MOSFETs", Int. Conf. on Insulating Films on
Semiconductors (INFOS), Leuven, Belgium, June 2005.
- K. C. Saraswat, "The Need for New Materials to Scale
CMOS Devices", IEEE Int. Symp. On Semiconductor
Manufacturing (ISSM), San Jose, Sept. 2005. Invited
- K. C. Saraswat, A. Nayfeh and C. O. Chui, "Gate
Dielectrics for Ge MOS Technology" 208th Meeting of The
Electrochem. Soc., Abs. No. 489, Los Angeles, October
2005. Invited
- P.C. McIntyre, H. Kim, K-I. Seo, C.O. Chui, B.B.
Triplett, D-I. Lee, P. Pianetta, S. Stemmer and K.C.
Saraswat "Interface Engineering for High-k/Si and
High-k/Ge Structures"ô"ô Mishima Japan conference paper,
Invited .
- K. C. Saraswat, C. O. Chui, T. Krishnamohan, A.
Nayfeh, "Innovative Device Structures And New Materials
For Nanoelectronics", IWPSD, 2005, New Delhi, India,
Dec. 2005. Invited
- K. C. Saraswat, "Performance Limitations of Si CMOS
and Alternatives for Nanoelectronics", iMAPS India
National Conference on Microelectronics & VLSI, IIT
Bombay, India, Dec. 19-21, 2005. Invited
- P. McIntyre, H. Kim, D. Chi, C. O. Chui, B. Triplett,
A. Javey, H. Dai, and K. C. Saraswat, "Novel Deposition
Processes for High-k/Ge Devices: Interface Engineering,"
to be presented in MRS 2004 Spring Meeting, Symposium on
Joint Session: High-k and High Mobility Substrates,
Paper B5.1/D5.1, San Francisco, CA, April 12-16, 2004. Invited
- K. C. Saraswat, "Performance Limitations of Devices
and Interconnects and Possible Alternatives for
Nanoelectronics," IEEE Symp. Quality Electronic Design,
San Jose, March 24, 2004. Plenary talk.
- K. C. Saraswat, "3-Dimensional ICs: Motivation,
Performance Analysis and Technology," SEMATECH Conf. on
3D Architectures for Semiconductor Integration and
Packaging, April 13-15, 2004, San Francisco. Invited
- C. O. Chui and K. C. Saraswat, "Low Thermal Budget Ge
MOS Technology," 205th Meeting of The Electrochem. Soc.,
Abs. No. 254, San Antonio, May 2004. Invited
- K. C. Saraswat, "Ge Based High Performance Nanoscale
MOSFETs and Integrated Optical Interconnects", US-India
Workshop on Nanotechnology, Bangalore Aug. 11-13, 2004.
- K. C. Saraswat, C. O. Chui, T. Krishnamohan, A. K.
Okyay, H. Kim and P. McIntyre, "Ge and SiGe for High
Performance MOSFETs and Integrated Optical
Interconnects", Int. Conf. on Solid State Dev. And Mat.
(SSDM), Tokyo, July 2004. Invited
- K. C. Saraswat, C. O. Chui, A. Neyfeh, H. Kim and P.
McIntyre, "Ge Surface Passivation for High Performance
MOSFETs", IEEE SISC Conf. San Diego, Dec. 2004.
- K. C. Saraswat, C. O. Chui, T. Krishnamohan, A.
Nayfeh and R. Shenoy, "Performance Limitations of
Devices and Interconnects and Possible Alternatives for
Nanoelectronics," IEEE Advanced Workshop on 'Frontiers
in Electronics' WOFE 2004, Aruba, Dec. 2004. Invited
- K. C. Saraswat, P. Kapur and S. Souri, "Performance
Limitations of Metal Interconnects and Possible
Alternatives," 203rd Meeting of the
Electrochem. Soc., Paris, April 2003. (Invited)
- K. C. Saraswat, C. O. Chui, P. C. McIntyre and B. B.
Triplett, "Novel Germanium Technology and Devices for
High Performance MOSFETs and Integrated On-chip Optical
Clocking," 203rd Meeting of the Electrochem.
Soc., Paris, April 2003. (Invited)
- K. C. Saraswat, "Multi University Research Centers in
USA for Device and Interconnect Research," Advanced
Metallization Conference 2003, Tokyo, Japan, September
2003. Keynote talk
- C. O. Chui, H. Kim, J. P. McVittie, B. B. Triplett,
P. C. McIntyre, and K. C. Saraswat, "A Novel
Self-aligned Gate-last MOSFET Process Comparing the
High-k Candidates," IEEE 2003 International
Semiconductor Device Research Symposium (ISDRS)
Proceedings, pp. 464-465, Washington, DC, December
10-12, 2003.Invited
- Krishna Saraswat, P. Kapur, G. Chandra, T.-Y. Chiang,
S. Souri, "Scaling Induced Performance Limitations of
Metal Interconnects," IEEE ISSCC Microprocessor Design
Workshop, San Francisco, February 2002. (Invited)
- P. Kapur, G. Chandra and K. C. Saraswat, "Performance
Limitations of Metal Interconnects and Possible
Alternatives," Presented at the SEMICON, San Francisco,
July 2002. (Invited)
- K. C. Saraswat, "Collaborative Research Centers in USA
in Electronics," Opening Ceremony of the National
Nanotechnology Researchers Network Centers of Japan,
Tokyo, Nov. 25, 2002. (Plenary talk)
- J. A. Davis, R. Venkatesan, A. Kaloyeros, M.
Beylansky, S. J. Souri, K. Banerjee, K. C. Saraswat, A.
Rahman, R. Reif, and J. D. Meindl, "Interconnect Limits
on Gigascale Integration(Gsi) In The 21st Century,"
Proc. IEEE, Vol. 89, No. 3, March 2001, pp. 305~324. (Invited)
- K. Banerjee, S. J. Souri, P. and K. C. Saraswat, "3-D
ICs: A Novel Chip Design for Improving Deep Submicron
Interconnect Performance and Systems-on-Chip
Integration," Proc. IEEE, Vol. 89, No. 5, May 2001, pp.
602-633. (Invited)
- K. Banerjee, S. J. Souri, P. Kapur, K. C. Saraswat,
"3-D Heterogeneous ICs: A Technology for the Next Decade
and Beyond, 5th IEEE Workshop on Signal
Propagation on Interconnects," Venice, Italy, May 2001.
- K. C. Saraswat, K. Banerjee, A. R. Joshi, P. Kalavade,
S. J. Souri and V. Subramanian, "3-D ICs: Performance
Analysis, and Technology," 197th Meeting of
the Electrochem. Soc., Toronto, May 2000. (Invited)
- K. C. Saraswat, K. Banerjee, A. R. Joshi, P. Kalavade,
P. Kapur and S. J. Souri, "3-D ICs: Motivation,
Performance Analysis, and Technology" 26th
European Solid-State Circuits Conference, Stockholm,
Sweden, September 2000. (Invited)
- K. C. Saraswat and T. C. Yang "Dependence of Oxide
Electric Field and Gate Electrode Workfunction on the
Reliability of Thin MOS Gate Oxides," Abs. No. 123 in
Proc 195th Meeting of the Electrochem. Soc.,
Seattle, May 1999. (Invited)
- Krishna C. Saraswat, "Polycrystalline-SiGe
applications in Si CMOS Technology," Proc. Int. Conf. on
Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures, September 1999,
Japan. (Invited)
- K. C. Saraswat, S. J. Souri, V. Subramanian, A. R.
Joshi, and A. W. Wang, "Novel 3-D Structures," Proc.
1999 IEEE Int. SOI Conf. pp.54-55, October 4-7, 1999. (Invited)
- K. C. Saraswat and V. Subramanian, "Seeding Technology
for High Performance TFTs," Proc. Electronic Display
Forum 98, EIAJ/SEMI, Yokohama April 1998, pp.2.7~2.15. (Invited)
- K. C. Saraswat, S. Jurichich, V. Subramanian, and A.
Wang, "A low temperature polycrystalline Si TFT
technology for large area AMLCD drivers," MRS spring
meeting, April 1997, San Francisco. (Invited)
- K. C. Saraswat, N. Bhat and T. C. Yang, "Effect Of
Interface Stress on Reliability of Gate Oxide," 4th
Symp. on Silicon Nitride and Silicon Oxide Thin
Insulating Films, 191st Meeting of the
Electrochem. Soc., Montreal, Canada, May 1997. (Invited)
- K. C. Saraswat, Y. Chen and B. T. Khuri-Yakub,
"Modeling Measurements and Control of Rapid Thermal
Processing," In Transient Thermal Processing Techniques
in Electronic Materials, Edited by N.M. Ravindra and
R.K. Singh, Proc. TMS Symp., Anaheim, Feb. 1996, pp.
3~10. (Invited)
- K. C. Saraswat, "Scaling Limits for Interconnect
Technology," VLSI Multilevel Interconnect Conference,
State-of-the-art Seminar, Santa Clara, June 21, 1996. (Invited)
- K. C. Saraswat, S. Jurichich, T. J. King, V.
Subramanian, and A. Wang, "A Low Temperature
Polycrystalline SiGe CMOS TFT Technology for Large Area
AMLCD Drivers, TFT III Symp., 190th meet.
Electrochem. Soc., San Antonio, October 1996. (Invited)
- K. C. Saraswat, Y. Chen, L. Degertekin, and B. T.
Khuri-Yakub, "A New Flexible Rapid Thermal Processing
System," Proc. MRS Symp., Rapid Thermal and Integrated
Processing IV, Vol. 387, pp. 35~57, 1995. (Invited)
- K. C. Saraswat, "Adaptable IC Manufacturing Systems
for the 21st Century," E-MRS, 1993 Spring Meeting,
Strasbourg, May 4-7, 1993. Published in Microelectronic
Engineering, vol. 25, (1994), pp. 131~137. (Invited)
- S. Wood, P.P. Apte, K. C. Saraswat J.M. Harrison,
"Economic Impact of Single Wafer Multiprocessors," Proc.
SPIE Symp. on Rapid Thermal and Related Processing
Techniques, October 1990, Santa Clara, Vol. 1393, pp.
36~48. (Invited)
- J.P. McVittie, A.J. Bariya, J.C. Rey, S. Ravi, K. C.
Saraswat, M.M. Islam Raja and L-Y. Cheng, "SPEEDIE
Simulation of Profile Evolution During Etching and
Deposition," SPIE Symp. on Microelectronic Processing
Integration, October 1990, Santa Clara, SPIE Proceedings
Vol. 1392. (Invited)
- B.T. Khuri-Yakub, K. C. Saraswat, Y. J. Lee and S.
Bhardwaj, "photoacoustic Technique for Thin Film
Thickness and Temperature Measurements in Semiconductor
Processing," Workshop on Tungsten and Other Advanced
Metals for ULSI Applications VII, Dallas, October 1990.
- K. C. Saraswat, P. Wright, S. Wood and M. M. Moslehi,
"Single Wafer In-situ Multiprocessing," 1989 Int. Symp.
on VLSI Technology, Systems and Applications, May 1989,
. (Invited)
- K. C. Saraswat, M. M. Moslehi, D. D. Grossman, S.
Wood, P. Wright and L Booth "Single Wafer Rapid Thermal
Multiprocessing: A New Concept in Manufacturing,"
Proceedings of MRS Symp. on Rapid Thermal Annealing/CVD
and Integrated Processing, Vol. 146, pp. 3-13.,
Materials Research Society, April 1989, San Diego. (Invited)
- K. C. Saraswat, L. Booth, D. D. Grossman, B. T.
Khuri-Yakub, Y. J. Lee, M. M. Moslehi, and S. Wood,
"Rapid Thermal Multiprocessing for Micro Factories,"
1989 SPIE Symp. on Microelectronic Processing, 8~11
October 1989, Santa Clara. (Invited)
- K. C. Saraswat, "Single Wafer In-situ
Multiprocessing," Semicon Japan Digest of Technical
Papers, November 1988, Tokyo. (Keynote Address)
LI>K. C. Saraswat, F. C. Shone and J. D.
Plummer,"Modeling of Dopant Diffusion and Redistribution
in WSi2/Si Structures," Workshop on Metals,
Dielectrics, and Interfaces for VLSI, San Juan Batista,
May 9~12, 1988. (Invited)
- M. Moslehi, K. C. Saraswat and S.C. Shatas, "Rapid
Thermal Growth of Thin Insulators on Silicon," Presented
at the SPIE's O-E/LASE '86, January, 1986, Los Angeles.
- K. C. Saraswat, "Interconnections for VLSI,"
International Conf. on Semiconductor and Integrated
circuit Technology, Beijing, China, October 1986. (Invited)
- K.C. Saraswat, "Use of Silicides Obtained by CVD in
VLSI," Presented at the Workshop on Silicides. Florence,
Italy, October 1985. (Invited)
- K. C. Saraswat, "Refractory Metals and Silicides for
VLSI Applications," Presented at 32nd Symp. American
Vac. Soc. . Houston, November 1985. (Invited)
- D.C. Paine, J.C. Bravman and K. C. Saraswat,
"Microstructural Characterization of LPCVD Tungsten
Interfaces," In Proceedings of Workshop on Tungsten and
other Refractory Metals for VLSI Applications,
Albuquerque, , pp. 117~123, Edited by R.S. Blewer,
October 1985. (Invited)
- K. C. Saraswat, "Refractory Materials for
Interconnections in VLSI," AIME Electronic Materials
Conference, Vermont, June 1983. (Invited)
- K. C. Saraswat, "Refractory Metal Silicides for
Interconnections in VLSI," American Physics Society,
Dallas, March 1982. (Invited)
- K. C. Saraswat, "VLSI Interconnections Technology,
Present and Future," 9th Annual EOS/ESD Symp.
Orlando, Florida, September 1987. (Keynote Address)
- K. C. Saraswat, "WSi2 Interconnections for
VLSI," International Conference on Metallurgical
Coatings, San Francisco, April 1981. (Invited)
- K. C. Saraswat, "Physical and Electrical Properties of
Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Films," Proceedings of
Symposium on Grain Boundaries in Semiconductors,
Materials Research Society, Boston, November 16-19 1981,
pp. 261~274, Volume 5. (Invited)
- J. D. Meindl, N.K. Ratnakumar, L. Gerzberg and K. C.
Saraswat, "Circuit Scaling Limits for Ultra-Large-Scale
Integration," Technical Digest of the International
Solid State Circuits Conference, New York, February
1981. (Invited)
- K. C. Saraswat and F. Mohammadi, "Tungsten Silicide
for MOS Gates and Low Resistivity Interconnections,"
AIME, Ithaca, Cornell University, June 1980, The 22nd
Electronics Materials Conference. (Invited)
- J. D. Meindl, K. C. Saraswat and J. D. Plummer, "The
Need of Process Models in an Ubiquitous Technology," The
Electrochemical Society, Inc., Princeton, New Jersey,
1977, pp. 894~909. (Invited)
- K. C. Saraswat, "Germanium Back to the Future," In 75th Anniversary of the Transistor, (edited by A. Nathan, S. K. Saha R. M.Todi) pp. 415 - 429, IEEE Press, Wiley, 2023.
- K.-H. Koo and K. C. Saraswat, "Study
of performances of low-k Cu, CNTs, and Optical
interconnects," in Nanoelectronic Circuit Design,
(edited by N. Jha and D. Chen), Springer, 2011, pp.
- T. Krishnamohan, D. Kim and K. C.
Saraswat, "Properties and Trade-offs of Compound
Semiconductor MOSFETs" in Fundamentals of III-V
Semiconductor MOSFETs, (edited by S. Oktyabrsky and P.
D. Ye, Springer, 2010), pp. 7-30.
- C. O. Chui and K. C. Saraswat,
"Germanium Nanodevices and Technology," In Advanced
Gate Stacks for High-Mobility Semiconductors (edited
by A. Dimoulas, E. Gusev, P. McIntyre, and M. Heyns),
Springer-Verlag, London.
- C. O. Chui and K. C. Saraswat,
"Advances Germanium MOS Devices," Germanium-Based
Technologies: From Materials to Devices (edited by C.
Claeys and E. Simoen), Elsevier Science, 2007.
- P. C. McIntyre, H. S. Kim and K. C.
Saraswat, "Structural Evolution And Point Defects In
Metal Oxide-Based High-K Gate Dielectrics," in Defects
in High-k Dielectric Stacks (edited by E. Gusev,
Springer, 2006), pp. 109-120.
- C. O. Chui and K. C. Saraswat,
"Nanoscale Germanium MOS Dielectrics and Junctions,"
Germanium-Based Technologies: From Materials to
Devices (edited by C. Claeys and E. Simoen), Elsevier
Science, 2007.
- K. C. Saraswat, C. O. Chui, P. Kapur,
T. Krishnamohan, A. Nayfeh, A. K. Okyay, and R. S.
Shenoy, "Performance Limitations of Si CMOS and
Alternatives for Nanoelectronics," Frontiers in
Electronics: Proceedings of the WOFE-04 (edited by H.
Iwai, Y. Nishi, M. S. Shur, and H. Wong), World
Scientific, New Jersey, 2006.
- S. J. Souri, T.-Y.
Chiang, P. Kapur, K. Banerjee and K. C. Saraswat, "3-D IC Deep Submicron Interconnect Performance Modeling and Analysis," In
Interconnect Technology and Design for Gigascale
Integration, (Edited by J. A. Davis and J. D. Meindl)
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, October 2003, pp.
325 - 382.
- K. C.
Saraswat, "Rapid Thermal Multiprocessing for a
Programmable Factory For Manufacturing of ICs," in
Advances in Rapid Thermal and Integrated Processing
(Edited by F. Roozeboom), Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1996, pp.
- P. Apte, T. Kubota and K. C. Saraswat, ``Constant Current Stress Breakdown in Ultrathin SiO2Films," in The Physics and Chemistry of SiO2 and the Si SiO2 Interface 2, edited by C. R. Helms and B. E. Deal, Plenum, 1993, pp. 447--454.
- K. C. Saraswat, "Chinese Microelectronics," W. J.
Spencer, J. Y. Chen, A. Chiang, W. Frieman, E. S. Kuh,
J. L. Moll, R. F. Pease and K. C. Saraswat, FASAC
Technical Assessment Report (TAR) 4060, Science
Application International Corp., April 1989
Regular Papers
- Jung-Soo Ko, S. Lee,, R. K. A. Bennett, K. Schauble, M. Jaikissoon, A. T. Hoang, K. Neilson, A. J. Mannix, K. Kim,, K, C. Saraswat, Eric Pop, ÒSub-Nanometer Equivalent Oxide Thickness and Threshold Voltage Control Enabled by Silicon Seed Layer on Monolayer MoS2 TransistorsÓ Nano Letters, DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c01775 (2025)
- Koosha Nassiri Nazif, F. U. Nitta, A. Daus, K. C. Saraswat, & E. Pop, ÒEfficiency Limit of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Solar Cells,Ó Commun Phys 6, 367 (2023),
- Marc Jaikissoon, C. Koroglu, J. A. Yang, K. M. Neilson, K. C. Saraswat, E. Pop, "CMOS-compatible Strain Engineering for High-Performance Monolayer Semiconductor Transistors", Nature Electronics, 7, pp 885Ð891, DOI 10.1038/s41928-024-01244-7, 23 October 2024.
- Asir Intisar Khan, A. Ramdas, E. Lindgren, H.-M. Kim, B. Won, X. Wu, K. Saraswat, C.-T. Chen, Y. Suzuki, F. H. da Jornada, I.-K. Oh, E. Pop, "Surface Conduction and Reduced Electrical Resistivity in Ultrathin Non-Crystalline NbP Semimetal," Science,, (2024).
- L. Hoang, M. Jaikissoon, Z. Zhang, K.C. Saraswat, E. Pop, A.J. Mannix, "Contact-induced Strain for Enhanced Performance in Monolayer WS2 Transistors," APS March Meeting, Mar 2024, Minneapolis MN
- Jerry Yang, E. Reato, T. Knobloch, Jung-Soo Ko, Z. Zhang, A. Mannix, K. Saraswat, T. Grasser, M. Lemme, E. Pop, "Quantifying Defect-Mediated Electron Capture and Emission in Flexible Monolayer WS2 Field-Effect Transistors," 2024 Device Research Conference. June 2024,
- E. Reato, P. Palacios, J. Yang, S. Wahid, M. Jaikissoon, J.-S. Ko, A. Daus, M. Saeed, K. Saraswat, R. Negra, E. Pop, M. Lemme, "Nanoscale MoS2 Transistors on Polyimide for Radio-Frequency Operation" 2024 Device Research Conf., June 2024.
- Jung-Soo Ko, A. Shearer, S. Lee, K. Neilson, M. Jaikissoon, K. Kim, S. Bent, K. Saraswat and E. Pop, ÒAchieving -nm-Scale Equivalent Oxide Thickness Top Gate Dielectric on Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Transistors with CMOS-Friendly Approaches,Ó VLSI Symp., Honolulu, June 2024.
- Marc Jaikissoon, E. Pop, K. C. Saraswat, "Strain Induced by Evaporated-Metal Contacts on Monolayer MoS2 Transistors," IEEE Electron Dev. Lett., Vol. 45, No. 8, pp. 1528-1531, Aug 2024.
- Kathryn Neilson, S. Hamtaei, K. N. Nazif, J. Carr, S. Rahimisheikh, F. Nitta, G. Brammertz, J. Blackburn, J. Hadermann, K. Saraswat, O. Reid, B. Vermang, A. Daus, E. Pop, "Toward Mass-Production of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Solar Cells: Scalable Growth of Photovoltaic-Grade Multilayer WSe2 by Tungsten Selenization" ACS Nano, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.4c03590, August 2024.
- Jung-Soo Ko, A. B. Shearer, S. Lee, K. M. Neilson, M. Jaikissoon, K. Kim, S. F. Bent, E. Pop and K. C. Saraswat "Achieving 1-nm-Scale Equivalent Oxide Thickness Top Gate Dielectric on Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Transistors with CMOS-Friendly Approaches," IEEE Trans. Electron Dev., March 2025 Vol. 72(3), pp. 1514-1519.

- Koosha Nassiri Nazif, F. Nitta, A. Daus, K. Saraswat, E. Pop, ÒPerformance Limits of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Solar Cells,Ó 2023 Middle East and North Africa Solar Conference (MENA-SC), Dubai, November 15 Ð 18, 2023.
- J. -S. Ko, Z. Zhang, S. Lee, M. Jaikissoon, R. K. A. Bennett, K. Kim, A. C. Kummel, P. Bandaru, E. Pop, K. C. Saraswat, ÒUltrathin Gate Dielectric Enabled by Nanofog Aluminum Oxide on Monolayer MoS2Ó, ESSDERC (European Solid-State Device Conference), Sep 2023, Lisbon Portugal
- Joel Martis, S. Susarla, A. Rayabharam, C. Su, T. Paule. P. Pelz, C. Huff, X. Xu, H.-K. Li, M. Jaikissoon, V. Chen, E. Pop, K. Saraswat, A. Zettl, N. R. Aluru, R. Ramesh, P. Ercius, A. Majumdar, ÒImaging the electron charge density in monolayer MoS2 at the Angstrom scale,Ó Nature Commun. 14, 4363 (2023).
- Alwin Daus, L. Hoang, C. Gilardi, S. Wahid, J. Kwon, S. Qin, J.-S. Ko, M. Islam, A. Kumar, K. M. Neilson, K. C. Saraswat, S. Mitra, H.-S. P. Wong and E. Pop, ÒEffect of Back-Gate Dielectric on Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) Transistor Performance and Stability,Ó IEEE Trans. Electron Dev., Vol: 70, No: 11, pp. 5685-5689, Nov. 2023.
- Koosha Nassiri Nazif, F. U. Nitta, A. Daus, K. C. Saraswat and E. Pop, ''Efficiency Limit of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Solar Cells,'' IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, June 15, 2023, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Peter Ercius, J. Martis, S. Susarla, A. Rayabharam, C. Su, T. Paule, P. Pelz, C. Huff, X. Xu, H.-K. Li, M. Jaikissoon, V. Chen, E. Pop, K. Saraswat, A. Zettl, N. Aluru, R. Ramesh, and A. Majumdar, "Imaging the electron charge density in monolayer MoS2 at the ngstrom scale," Accepted
- J. -S. Ko, Z. Zhang, S. Lee, M. Jaikissoon, R. K. A. Bennett, K. Kim, A. C. Kummel, P. Bandaru, E. Pop, K. C. Saraswat, ÒUltrathin Gate Dielectric Enabled by Nanofog Aluminum Oxide on Monolayer MoS2Ó, ESSDERC, Sep 2023, Lisbon Portugal

- X. Wu, A. I. Khan, P. Ramesh, C. Perez, K. Kim, Z. Lee, K.E. Goodson, K. Saraswat, H.-S.P. Wong, E. Pop, "Interface-Controlled Ultralow Resistance Drift and Its Origin in Superlattice Phase Change Memory," IEEE Device Research Conference (DRC), June 2022, Columbus OH
- Asir Intisar Khan, C. Perez, X. Wu, B. Won, K. Kim, H. Kwon, P. Ramesh, K.M. Neilson, M. Asheghi, K. Saraswat, Z. Lee, I.K. Oh, H.-S.P. Wong, K.E. Goodson, E. Pop "First Demonstration of Ge2Sb2Te5-Based Superlattice Phase Change Memory with Low Reset Current Density (~3 MA/cm2) and Low Resistance Drift (~0.002 at 105oC)," IEEE VLSI Tech. Symp., Jun 2022, Honolulu HI
- Marc Jaikissoon, J.A. Yang, K.M. Neilson, E. Pop, K. Saraswat, "Mobility Enhancement of Monolayer MoS2 Transistors using Tensile-Stressed Silicon Nitride Capping Layers," IEEE Device Research Conference (DRC), June 2022, Columbus OH
- L. Hoang, A. Daus, S. Wahid, J. Kwon, J.-S. Ko, S. Qin, M. Islam, K.C. Saraswat, H.-S.P. Wong, E. Pop, "Bias Stress Stability of ITO Transistors and its Dependence on Dielectric Properties," IEEE Device Research Conference (DRC), June 2022, Columbus OH.
- S.Wahid, A.Daus, J.Kwon, S.Qin, J.S.Ko, K.Saraswat, E.Pop,"First Demonstration of Top Gated ITO Transistors: Effect of Channel Passivation", IEEE Device Research Conference, June 2022.
- Alwin Daus, M. Jaikissoon, A. I. Khan, A. Kumar, R. W. Grady, K. C. Saraswat, E. Pop, ÒFast-Response Flexible Temperature Sensors with Atomically Thin Molybdenum Disulfide,Ó Nano Letters, July 2022, 10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c01344.
- Asir Intisar Khan, X. Wu, C. Perez, B. Won, K. Kim, P. Ramesh, H. Kwon, M. C. Tung, Z. Lee,, I.-K. Oh, K. Saraswat, M. Asheghi, K. E. Goodson, H.-S. Philip Wong and E. Pop, "Unveiling the Effect of Superlattice Interfaces and Intermixing on Phase Change Memory Performance," Nano Letters, 2022, DOI 10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c01869
- Kwan-Ho Kim, M. Andreev,; S. Choi, J. Shim, H. Ahn, J. Lee, K. N. Nazif, A. Kumar, J. Lynch, D. Jariwala, K. Saraswat, J.-H.Park, "High-Efficiency WSe2 Photovoltaic Devices with Electron-Selective Contacts," ACS Nano, 2022, DOI 10.1021/acsnano.1c10054
- R. Islam, S. Qin, S. Deshmukh, Z. Yu, ‚. Koroglu, A.I. Khan, K. Schauble, K.C. Saraswat, E. Pop, H.-S.P. Wong, "Improved Gradual Resistive Switching Range and 1000x On/Off Ratio in HfOx RRAM Achieved with a Ge2Sb2Te5 Thermal Barrier," Appl. Phys. Lett. Accepted, pre-print arXiv:2203.12190 (2022)
- Sanchit Deshmukh, M. M. Rojo, E. Yalon, S. Vaziri, C. Koroglu, R. Islam, R. A. Iglesias, K. Saraswat, E. Pop, "Direct Measurement of Nanoscale Filamentary Hot Spots in Resistive Memory Devices," Science Advances, 8, eabk1514, 30 March 2022.
- Jung-Soo Ko, Kirstin Schauble, Krishna Saraswat, Eric Pop, "Integrating Ultrathin Gate Dielectrics on 2D Materials for High-Performance Transistors," MRS Symp. NM02, Honolulu, May 12, 2022.
- Marc Jaikissoon, Jerry Yang, Eric Pop, Krishna Saraswat, "Strain Engineering Metal Contacts to Monolayer MoS2 Transistors," MRS Symp. NM02, Honolulu, May 12, 2022.
- Kathryn Neilson, Marc Jaikissoon, Connor Bailey, Krishna Saraswat, Eric Pop, "Synthesis and Characterization of Monolayer and Few-Layer InSe Electronics," MRS Symp. NM01, Honolulu, May 13, 2022.
- Aravindh Kumar, Kirstin Schauble, Kathryn Neilson, Alvin Tang, Pranav Ramesh, Eric Pop, Krishna Saraswat, "In, Sn and Bi Contacts to Monolayer MoS2 Alloying for Temperature Tolerance and Silicon CMOS Compatibility," MRS Symp. NM01, Honolulu, May 13, 2022.
- Kirstin Schauble, Aravindh Kumar, Stephanie Bohaichuk, Ryan Grady, Krishna Saraswat, Eric Pop, "Ultrathin Germanium as an Interlayer for Silver Contacts to Monolayer MoS2," MRS Symp. NM01, Honolulu, May 13, 2022.

- Koosha Nassiri Nazif, A. Daus, J. Hong, N. Lee, S. Vaziri, A. Kumar, F. Nitta, M. E. Chen, S. Kananian, R. Islam, K.-H. Kim, J.-H. Park, A. Poon, M. L. Brongersma, E. Pop, and K. C. Saraswat,
High-Specific-Power Flexible Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Solar Cells", Nature Communications, 9 Dec 2021, DOI 10.1038/s41467-021-27195-7
- Aravindh Kumar, K. Schauble, K. M. Neilson, A. Tang, P. Ramesh, H.-S. P. Wong, E. Pop and K. Saraswat, "Sub-200 ½áµm Alloyed Contacts to Synthetic Monolayer MoS2," IEEE IEDM, Dec. 13-15, 2021
- Alvin Tang, A. Kumar, M. Jaikissoon, K. Saraswat, H.-S. P. Wong and E. Pop, "Towards Low Temperature Solid Source Synthesis of Monolayer MoS2, " ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2021,
- A. Rezk, S. A. Hadi, J. M. Ashraf, A. Alhammadi, W. Alnaqbi, A. Kumar, G. Dushaq, M. Rasras, K. Saraswat, M. Nayfeh, and A. Nayfeh "Strong Reduction in Ge Film Reflectivity by an Overlayer of 3-nm Si Nanoparticles: Implications for Photovoltaics", ACS Applied Nano Materials, April 1, 2021, DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.1c00107.
- Koosha Nassiri Nazif, A. Kumar, J. Hong, N. Lee, R. Islam, C. J. McClellan, O. Karni, J. van de Groep, T. F. Heinz, E. Pop, Ma. L. Brongersma, and Krishna C. Saraswat, "High-performance p-n junction transition metal dichalcogenide photovoltaic cells enabled by MoOx doping and passivation" Nano Lett., 2021,
- Aravindh Kumar, A. Tang , H.-S. P. Wong , K. Saraswat, "Improved Contacts to Synthetic Monolayer MoS2â" A Statistical Study." IITC 2021.
- Aravindh Kumar, K. Nassiri Nazif, P. Ramesh, K. Saraswat, "Doped WS2 transistors with large on-off ratio and high on-current," 78th Device Research Conference, June 21-24, 2020.